Title: Targeted Prayers
Author: Benjamin Nebechukwu
Reviewer: Esther Nasikye
Price: Shs20,000
Available at: All leading bookstores
(La Fontaine, Fresh Vine, Aristoc)
Every Christian prays but not everyone has their prayers answered. The difference lies in how we pray and that is praying strategically, persistently and passionately. Prayer is like a journey that everyone must enjoy.
However, few enjoy it because they cannot identify the root cause of their problem which will help them pray strategically and therefore achieve results.
Man needs to know the purpose and benefit of something if he is to be motivated to work in order to achieve it. Targeted Prayers helps you understand the purpose and benefits of prayer, identify the root cause of your problems and helps you to pray strategically.
The format of the book is simple. It is divided into two parts. In the first part the writer discuses what prayer is, how one can maintain a praying attitude, what it means to be persistent in prayer, the power of fasting and why it is good to combine the two in order to achieve results, what targeted praying is, what prayer and faith is and why the two go hand in hand. Whereas it is true that when one is born again, they are free indeed, there are issues in their past that affect them from reaching their full potential as Christians. Such issues prevent them from reaching their destiny.
Spiritual warfare is discussed in a very informal way that with this book in your hand, you can successfully go through a deliverance session on your own. In the second part of the book, the writer highlights some of the challenges 21st century Christians face and goes ahead to offer guiding prayers (which he refers to as prayer points) to help one get out of the situation. These include witchcraft, miscarriage, marriage, marital delay, conception, academic success, business success, family and foundational problems and prayers for expectant mothers.
Other than leave you at crossroads, the prayer points help you Christian to learn how to pray and pray success. There are many positive aspects to this book. Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu writes about prayer in a very conversational style.
It doesn’t feel like you are listening to a sermon or reviewing a church manual. His style of writing is so conversational that anyone can understand. He has powerful real life day to day anecdotes to help drive the touchy subject of prayer home.
The author obviously wants people to be free from problems that hold them down and prevents them from reaching their full potential.
The language used is simple and one does not need to read with the Bible at hand as every scripture referred to is quoted and well explained.
The difference between Targeted Prayer and other books on prayer is that the writer helps you identify your problem, and how to pray out of the situation. The fact that the issues the writer identifies and notes in his book are day to day issues mean this book cannot be a fad but will stand the test of time.
Author: Benjamin Nebechukwu
Reviewer: Esther Nasikye
Price: Shs20,000
Available at: All leading bookstores
(La Fontaine, Fresh Vine, Aristoc)
Every Christian prays but not everyone has their prayers answered. The difference lies in how we pray and that is praying strategically, persistently and passionately. Prayer is like a journey that everyone must enjoy.
However, few enjoy it because they cannot identify the root cause of their problem which will help them pray strategically and therefore achieve results.
Man needs to know the purpose and benefit of something if he is to be motivated to work in order to achieve it. Targeted Prayers helps you understand the purpose and benefits of prayer, identify the root cause of your problems and helps you to pray strategically.
The format of the book is simple. It is divided into two parts. In the first part the writer discuses what prayer is, how one can maintain a praying attitude, what it means to be persistent in prayer, the power of fasting and why it is good to combine the two in order to achieve results, what targeted praying is, what prayer and faith is and why the two go hand in hand. Whereas it is true that when one is born again, they are free indeed, there are issues in their past that affect them from reaching their full potential as Christians. Such issues prevent them from reaching their destiny.
Spiritual warfare is discussed in a very informal way that with this book in your hand, you can successfully go through a deliverance session on your own. In the second part of the book, the writer highlights some of the challenges 21st century Christians face and goes ahead to offer guiding prayers (which he refers to as prayer points) to help one get out of the situation. These include witchcraft, miscarriage, marriage, marital delay, conception, academic success, business success, family and foundational problems and prayers for expectant mothers.
Other than leave you at crossroads, the prayer points help you Christian to learn how to pray and pray success. There are many positive aspects to this book. Pastor Benjamin Nebechukwu writes about prayer in a very conversational style.
It doesn’t feel like you are listening to a sermon or reviewing a church manual. His style of writing is so conversational that anyone can understand. He has powerful real life day to day anecdotes to help drive the touchy subject of prayer home.
The author obviously wants people to be free from problems that hold them down and prevents them from reaching their full potential.
The language used is simple and one does not need to read with the Bible at hand as every scripture referred to is quoted and well explained.
The difference between Targeted Prayer and other books on prayer is that the writer helps you identify your problem, and how to pray out of the situation. The fact that the issues the writer identifies and notes in his book are day to day issues mean this book cannot be a fad but will stand the test of time.
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