Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ICA Family Retreat at Gold Coast

Last Apr.3-5, 2008, about 400+ brothers and sisters attended the ICA family retreat at Gold Coast.

Few Vantage@Belcher's members joined this event including Eng Hwee, Kit Chan, Ivy Boey, Manny Urquico, Agnes Fung and the whole family of Agnes Ho. It's encouraging to see Peck Yoke and Eugene come to join us from Macau.

This 3 days 2 nights gathering at Gold Coast is filled not only in spiritual food but also in physical food as well. A lot of sisters benefit from the teaching of Pastor Lee Chew about the role of a woman. See some of the powerpoint slides below or you may want to buy a CD in ICA church to know more about the role of a woman that God wants us to play in life.

1 comment:

Vantage@Belcher's said...

Praise the Lord for giving us a very blessed retreat. Its' blessing comes in all dimensions: "Spiritually" - The messages by the 4 speakers were powerful. DVDs available at ICA. "Physically" - Great food and great accommodation. It is like going for a 3-day 2 nights Deluxe Tour. "Emotionally" - It was a great time to know our brothers and sisters more deeply. Especially my room-mate..... Ivy.

If you missed this retreat. Don't be upset. Be ready for the next one. Eng Hwee